Spread the Love with our YouTube Review Challenge Winner, Libbie Lewis

We recently invited our community to a “Spread the Love” challenge and we were overwhelmed with the response! For a chance to win a year of our Mastery Program, we asked our students to upload reviews of the Become a Health Coach program to YouTube.

We’re so excited today to introduce you to our winner and BHC grad, Libbie Lewis!  

Libbie is a graduate of our BHC February 2018 class. She’s working toward building a practice where she can help women quit dieting and start living again. To learn more about Libbie, read her Q&A below!

Tell us a little about yourself, Libbie!

I live in Tallahassee, FL with my husband of one year. When I started BHC we had been married one month, and I was studying for my Masters in music performance at Florida State University. I continue to play with three professional orchestras in the area. I still don’t know what kind of coach I am! I’m still so green (I have had one paying client so far) so I’m still figuring it out! I have a passion to help women QUIT dieting and start living again, so that is what I’ve been thinking to start with.

When did your journey with HCI start and what has been your favorite part?

My journey with HCI started almost exactly a year ago. I have loved all the support, holy cow! There are so many resources, so many opportunities for growth and I love that. I love that, even though I don’t personally have a coach (yet), I FEEL like I do. I’ve felt supported, loved, and stretched. I’m going outside of my comfort zone, continually, from the inspiration I get from every platform that HCI uses: the website itself, the Facebook page, YouTube videos, emails, the list goes on.

Is your coaching business up and running?

I am in the very starting stages. I have one client, I just took the leap and made a business Facebook page, and have been giving a free ladies’ health class to the women at my church. It is scary and hard but so rewarding. HCI continues to inspire me to not quit, even when I’m uncomfortable.

Why did you want to win the Mastery Program?

I so wanted to continue on to the Mastery Program. It’s written in my planner as one of my goals for 2019! I had no idea how it would be possible for my husband and me, so when I saw the review challenge I said “YES! I am entering.” I want to be more confident in my coaching skills. I love to learn. I want to create a lifestyle that I am passionate about, that gives me freedom, that lights me up. Health Coaching does and can do that for me. And Mastery was, to me, an obvious investment.

What do you hope to get out of the Mastery Program?

I hope to become more assured in my skills as a coach. I want to be stretched. I want growth. I want to learn more about the craft that I have chosen to call my career, calling, and business.

Where do you hope to be in a year’s time?

In a year’s time, I hope to have multiple 1-1 clients. I hope to have a waitlist for group sessions that I run, and I want to have a bigger following on my Health Coaching Facebook Page! Right now those things are scary, exciting, and can sometimes seem impossible. But looking back over my year with HCI, I’ve come farther than I could imagine, and I can’t wait to see where Mastery takes me in the next year.

Now that you know all about Libbie and how BHC and Mastery are going to help her achieve her dreams, watch her original review video here (and you can even check out the other submissions here!).

We’re so excited to welcome Libbie into Mastery!

If you’re interested in learning more about Mastery, contact a Clarity Coach today! Click here to schedule an appointment.


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