A Day In The Life of a Health Coach

BHC and HMBA Graduate, Lisa Taitelman, is featured on our Day In The HCI Live Blog today! This boss babe restarted her career at 53 years young and each day she gets more active and more inspiring. Read below to find out how Lisa spends her day as a Health Coach helping others find their trail…

About Me:

Hi! My name is Lisa Taitelman.

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I have always been into fitness, I love eating and preparing healthy food, traveling the world with my family, enjoying weekly Barre Burn and Cardio Sculpt classes, and spending time in the great outdoors. I love animals, especially dogs, especially Labs. If you want a friend for life, get a dog! I earned a BA in Marketing and Design from San Diego State University and from there moved to Los Angeles where I found my dream job at The Hollywood Reporter and the love of my life.

After raising my two amazing kids for 19 years, I went back to school to pursue a Holistic MBA degree through HCI. I am a BHC graduate as well as a certified Transformational Coach (Grad Program). It was here that I found my trail—working with women to help them realize all of their goodness. This is where I feel most alive. I had no idea at the time that going back to school at age 53 would change my life.

I have always felt the pull to do something greater, to be a part of a movement and to create real change. I felt for quite some time that something was missing in my life. This experience allowed me to found my own voice. By using my voice, it has helped others find their own. What I have learned through my education and life experience is that showing up as myself, and speaking from my heart, a ripple effect has been created. I’ve created deeper connections with women who crave more in their own lives.

One Year ago, it all started with a little idea at my kitchen table that I wanted to create a positive hiking experience with women to share the experience of what hiking has taught me through the years. My team and I developed a hiking program called Finding Your Trail.  I take small groups out on the trails and challenge them physically through hiking, emotionally through connection, and spiritually through meditation. FYT has been a magical ride and has changed my life on so many levels. I’m thrilled to say it’s growing with my all-new “Off the Trail” Program as well as my Partnership Program. Today, I am committed to helping others find their own trail —their truth, passion, and purpose, all while I am fulfilling my own by building this awesome community. I am following my dream, I no longer feel something is missing, and I am excited for you to be on this journey with me!

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How I Spend My Day:

I am an early riser so I love to be up before anyone else so I can have time to myself! I usually start with a 10-minute meditation. I like to write down 5 things I am grateful for in my FYT journal, enjoy the morning cup of coffee that I cherish as I read the morning newspaper. I then make my morning smoothie which nourishes me to the soul with all its nutrients, gives me so much energy and fills me up for hours. It’s just is a great way to start my day! I also must incorporate some sort of movement, whether it is a hike with my dog, or my groups, barre burn class at Equinox, or a beach walk. I am blessed to live in Pacific Palisades, just blocks from the mountains and the ocean and it is in this place that I feel most alive!

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After I send my daughter who is a senior now, off the school,  (she doesn’t need me so much anymore in the mornings), I head off to exercise which for me is like breathing air. I must do this every day because if I don’t do these few things in the morning, I find that I become resentful and it affects everyone around me. Just ask them! I call this my nourishment menu and I know if I don’t do these things every day, my time will easily be absorbed by other things, like computers and phones. I love feeling strong and pushing myself outside my comfort zone so I can feel empowered to help others feel the same out on the trails!

I currently have two hiking groups a week as well as two online groups. I also like to spend a little time every morning on social media making sure I am connecting and reaching out to other coaches and like-minded people to build my community and to be of service to them. FYT is a community and I am inspired by all the connections that have been made because of me. I am very intentional with my presence on social media. It can be a beast at times as well as a time suck and sometimes goes against all I am trying to convey by being outdoors in nature, but it has become a great source for me and my business.

My husband and I are huge foodies in our house and all of our days revolve around good healthy meals that we prepare a ton of! We all love to cook and I always tell my kids if you know one thing in life and that is to learn to cook. I love the saying, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day, Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” It has been a privilege showing them how to make a meal for themselves and it so rewarding when you see them in the kitchen cooking… the cleaning up part, not so much! Ha!

The best parts of the day are when I get a text from my son who is away at college, when my daughter gets home from school, and when my husband and I share a glass of wine and cook our dinner together for our daughter. Then we relax, talk about our day, and love watching Top Chef or some show on Food Network.

I lost my mom to cancer over 20 years and believe she is the reason I went down this path, most of my story about hiking is through loss and grief of her and really how hiking healed me and made me feel alive again. I wanted to share this story with others who are also going through a struggle or challenge in their own lives.I wanted to find a way to give back from what all these women have given to me this past year with FYT. After a random friend request on Facebook, I met Jeanette Carbajal, a Cancer Coach, who guides her own clients through different stages of cancer. Our online conversations turned into verbal conversations and our friendship began. We knew, instantly, we wanted to collaborate and she has since introduced me to The Foundation for Living Beauty.

Founded in 2005, Nancy Davidson and Indyra Flores, share their mission which is to educate, uplift and empower women in their fight against cancer.

This is the perfect organization for me to partner with and last fall, I started donating a portion of my proceeds to The Living Beauty Foundation. I look forward to not only give monetarily but I will also be volunteering my time to groups of their women and offer a portion of my program with all of them.

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Nearly 843,000 women will be diagnosed with cancer this year. To learn more about Living Beauty and their programs and services, or if you know a woman with cancer, and would like to learn more about this organization, please visit their website at www.livingbeauty.org.

I have found that I am always the curious creature and still learning every day about what FYT has done for me emotionally, physically, and spiritually, but mostly, what I have created in our community.

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It’s where the magic is happening and I am proud to play a small role in building it through our amazing trails, through online groups, and expanding it across the globe. I have grown substantially as a person through HCI and through FYT and look forward to seeing where all this goes for all of us! But what I love and crave the most from this journey so far is a deeper connection with women. The type of connection that we all seem to crave and need in our lives. This is where FYT has become so invaluable to all of us and I hear it over and over again at the end of each and every program.

What advice would I give to New Coaches?

I get asked this question often and it is this: get yourself your own coach!  Or even many if you can! I have found that we simply cannot do this alone. I hired a slew of them—a business coach, a mentor, and other coaches in this amazing tribe at HCI. We are so very lucky to have all these awesome people to connect with any time we want! It takes a village and I could have not done any of this without the help of all of them!

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Final Thoughts:

I truly believe that we must sometimes go through the pain to get to freedom. If I learned one thing from this journey thus far it is to TRUST yourself and BELIEVE in yourself and in your voice. Believe that what you want is out there waiting for you, you just have to really want it, see it, feel it, and TRUST that you can make it happen. Once you do that, the rest falls into place, the magic happens, and the universe is right there waiting to help you. I am here to tell you that it is! Be brave, have the courage to always listen and speak your truth, and keep moving forward.

My question for you all is the question I received two years ago from a fellow health coach, and that is when you are feeling stuck and not sure where to go with all of this, just ask yourself this one question: What makes you happy and what brings you joy? That is what you should incorporate into your coaching practice because that is when you will be most authentic and where you will shine. That was the BEST advice and question and it changed everything for me because now my heart sings every day! What makes YOUR heart sing?

Happy Trails and to new possibilities!


Follow Me! 

Please visit my website here for more info on the different programs that I offer.

You can also reach me on:

Instagram I Facebook I Email: ltaitelman@yahoo.com



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