HCI’s 14 Point V-Day Love Manifest-Oh!

At HCI we believe in LOVE.

And we also believe that you can choose to manifest love daily. And that this love will make you a better person and a way better Health Coach.

So in celebration of V-Day (which stands for Valentines Day and also Victory Day—a global activist movement to end violence against women started by author/playwright/activist Eve Ensler—we compiled 14 little LOVE messages to help you along your coaching career path.

To become a really great Health Coach, so great that your clients just LOVE working with you for years, you must:

  • Love what you do and do it with love or you’ll never be happy in your day-to-day life as a Health Coach.
  • Love yourself first and learn to love and accept your body as the temple that not only houses your soul but mirrors your clients’ desires.
  • Love your clients by putting yourself in their shoes, on their map otherwise you will never be able to understand them let alone help them succeed.
  • Love money as you would a best friend because if you don’t then you won’t attract it to you and you nor will you attract any clients.
  • Love your tribe and love them hard because these are the people that will support you and stretch you the most.
  • Love and value food for the nourishment it provides you because it’s not just fuel for your life but it’s energy for your creativity.
  • Love helping people to become their absolute best selves because this is the very essence of Health Coaching.
  • Love challenging yourself to constantly improve your health and mind state because personal growth is the cornerstone of a great coach.
  • Love the feeling you get from helping someone to change their lives because if this feeling doesn’t turn you on, Health Coaching may not be for you.
  • Love taking charge of your own life, in your own unique way so that you can inspire your clients to take charge of their lives in their unique ways.
  • Love is a choice—it’s the opposite of fear—so choose to feed your love with positive thoughts and have faith that love will expand and flow into your whole life.
  • Love is big so if you want to feel it in your life you’ve got to stop playing small so find where you’re playing small and let it go.
  • Love means being your authentic self and not trying to be someone else because no two Health Coaches are alike so find your groove and shine.
  • Love is all around you so get out there and find it where you least expect it and spread it to those who most deserve it and keep giving it to yourself.

Happy V-Day! From all of us at HCI we want to remind you that LOVE IS ALL AROUND YOU! So soak it up and own it! We HEART every one of you! 

And…we wanna hear from YOU! Which of these 14 V-Day points most inspires you on your Health Coaching journey? Do you have any more little love notes to add to this list? 

Ready to fall in love with Health Coaching? Call a Health Coach at (877) 914-2242!

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