Become a health coach

“Wellness coaching took the biggest jump from last year’s survey when it was listed at no. 17 and has been in the top 20 since 2010.”

– ACSM Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2015

Health coaches are at the forefront of this influential shift, in how we do health and how we do life.

Our unique approach:


Health Coaching

What is a health coach? Well, previously health coaches primarily informed people about diet and nutrition. We believe health coaching is about so much more than food. It’s about habit change. When people ask us how to become a health coach, often they know what to do to be healthier, the problem is they aren’t doing it.

Our premise is that a health coach is a master of habit change. Healthy habits create healthy results, and the most effective health coaches help people make naturally better choices for themselves.

Our goal is to create the best coaches worldwide in the art and science of habit change so we can collectively contribute to the healthy planet we all want to live in.

6 Month


Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed so you can create a new, exciting career as a professional health coach in just 6 months from anywhere in the world! Each lesson draws on cutting edge psychology, brain science and healthy lifestyle design.

Our course is carefully delivered in 4 digestible pillars: Nutrition, Health & Wellness, Transformational Coaching, Personal Growth, and Proven Marketing & Simple Business Systems. Think of these 4 pillars like the legs of a chair, without one, you’re bound to fall over.

Throughout the 6-month professional health coach certification training you will learn the secrets to facilitating transformational experiences for your clients and loved ones that has them embody a new way of being that will create a positive ripple in every area of life.

Career Opportunities

According to a study by Accenture, consumer healthcare is a $502 billion market that will GROW to $737 billion over the next 5 years. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects the number of jobs for health and wellness coaches to increase 21% in the next seven years, “the fastest growing source of employment in the economy.”

As health care costs continue to surge, more corporations are beginning to hire health coaches and offer more health coaches jobs as they establish workplace wellness programs for employees. In fact, according to the Huffington Post, 51% of all employers with a workforce of fifty or more employees created workplace wellness programs in 2013. Workplace wellness is estimated to be a $6 billion industry! What this means is that people are definitely looking for and paying for health and wellness services that with the right education, you can provide, so there is no shortage of health coach jobs.

Where Can I Work?

One of the gifts of becoming a health coach is that the possibilities for what you can do are infinite! Many of our graduates work with clients 1-1 over the phone or in a local office, or even on Skype, which means that you can see clients all over the world.

Health coaching online is a viable option for some. Other graduates choose to work in a chiropractor’s office or with a Naturopathic Doctor or in a wellness center with other holistic practitioners. Some graduates affiliate with yoga studies, universities, schools, churches, synagogues and community centers.

In fact, physicians are being urged by the American Medical Association to hire Health Coaches to join their practice in order to help patients achieve their goals. The one-on-one care a Coach provides is exactly what the medical field has been missing. Physicians are able to help more people without burning out and patients are seeing better results with the focus on HABIT CHANGE that a Coach provides.

The choice is yours. As long as you have the passion and the drive to succeed, your workplace is what you make it!

How Much Can I Earn?

 When you consider the health coach salary, there is ENORMOUS opportunity in the coaching industry that is poised for growth in the coming years. The International Coaching Federation shares a yearly report on the state of the coaching industry, providing statistics on industry growth and a baseline picture of the profession.

According to the International Coaching Federation:

  • Worldwide, 6 in 10 coaches showed an increase in clients at the rate of $200 – $500/hr
  • Most coaches predict a further increase in fees, clients, hours and revenue in the coming 12 months

Our graduates are some of the highest paid, most sought after coaches in the industry. That’s because we not only train you to be an outstanding health coach, we also include comprehensive business training and ongoing support so you know how to successfully launch yourself in the real world, with the promising earning potential of the average health coaches salary.