Watch out…the Health Coaching bug is flying around!

Our very own Carey Peters, HCI co-founder, was recently featured in Forbes’s Women@Forbes in an article titled How To Shine The Light Of Coaching Into The Shadows Of Fear.  

This article is such a fantastic testament to the superpowers of Health Coaching and Carey’s words from the article here say it all:

Coaching transforms beliefs and opens people up to see — and act on — the truth of who they really are. Coaching did that for me.

Goodbye, “not good enough.” Welcome, “better than ever.”

(fist in the air!)

What’s more is the Forbes article’s author—also a corporate chief of staff and food entrepreneur—was so inspired by HCI that she ended the piece with the following:

“Full disclosure: While researching Carey Peters for this post, I joined the current class of health coaches at HCI. I didn’t know Peters, Morgenstern before this article.”

This goes to show that the Health Coaching bug is not only spreading but you had better watch out because it’s helluva catching too. ?

Read the full Forbes article How To Shine The Light Of Coaching Into The Shadows Of Fear here.

Caught the coaching bug and need some help? Call a Clarity Coach at (877) 914-2242!

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