What Makes Coaches Choose Coaching?

Why coach?

One of the most amazing things about coaching is that it’s a win-win for coach and client. Often, in helping professions, the ‘healer/helper’ gains as much, if not more, than the client and this is so true of coaching.

One of our beliefs is that you can only take a client as far as you yourself are willing to go. What this means is that you need to work on yourself, your stuff just as much, if not more, than your client.

This is the reason we have one entire pillar—Pillar 3—dedicated to Personal Growth!

We just can’t emphasize this enough. Coaching is by no means a one sided thing. It’s a two-way street. It’s a relationship. And like all relationships both people need to do their work in order for it to work. A coach doesn’t just sit back throwing questions at a client. No way! A coach is as active as their client always holding up a mirror to help the client grow into their best selves.

Similarly, the coach grows. That’s why you’ll often hear a mixed bag when you ask someone why they coach. People will often say that they want to help others become their best selves just as much as they want to help themselves become their best selves. And, it works!

Honestly, we could write reams and reams on what we love and value about coaching and how it radically changes peoples’ lives—and the ins and outs of why this is so—but don’t take it from us…instead, check out what our Tribe has to say about why coaching became their chosen career!

From coaches helping clients to find authentic connection in their lives, discover a voice that deserves to be heard, live their authentic vision and create the life of their dreams and so much more…to coaches wanting to coach because it helps them break down their own walls, gain freedom in their own lives, empower themselves even more and take their self-care to the next level!

Check out this cool video we created for you—Why Coaching? And check out our Instagram Post! 

Screen Shot 2018 08 17 at 1.15.53 PM What Makes Coaches Choose Coaching? 2We wanna hear from you! What makes YOU want to COACH? Share with us in the comments below. We can’t wait to read it!

Want to hear more about becoming a Health Coach? Call: (213) 431-3578 

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