HCI Live Dallas 2019 Recap

The Must-Attend Coaching Event of the Year!

HCI Live is the must-attend industry event for coaches and health practitioners, and our most recent event in Dallas this fall was our best yet!

If you’ve never attended HCI Live before, it’s a 3-day interactive training event packed with inspiring content and inspiring speakers in the health and wellness space, co-hosted by Health Coach Institute’s co-founders and primary instructors, Stacey Morgenstern and Carey Peters.

Health Coach Institute hosts HCI Live twice a year at different destinations across the United States. The purpose of HCI Live is to bring together BHC students, alumni, staff, and other health and wellness enthusiasts to meet, connect, and learn more about the industry and what it takes to build thriving coaching businesses.

With almost 1,000 students in attendance, this year’s fall event at the Dallas Fairmont was our largest HCI Live to date. The collective energy over three days was powerful and motivating to say the least, with many memorable moments.

In case you missed this year’s transformative event (or want to re-live it), here’s a recap of what went down in Dallas.

HCI Live Coaching 2019HCI Live kicked off with Stacey and Carey on stage, talking about their journey into Health Coaching, and the sacrifices they’ve made to get to where they are today.

Stacey shared how she made a choice for her family many years ago, to live on a piece of property with many other families and share in community, and how this one decision shaped the future of Health Coach Institute. Stacey’s daughter was also in the audience and got to witness her mom on stage, rocking the crowd and setting an amazing example of what it means to be a mom and a boss, and that both are possible.

Carey then shared tactical and practical content on coaching, delving into coaching sequences and scripting, and working with students in the crowd to walk through different scenarios. Students could mic share and ask questions, and were very willing to bring up hard topics and be coached through them live. Coaching demos are an important part of HCI Live, and students really love seeing the transformations happen in real time, as it shows them what’s possible for them and for their clients.

Guest speaker Pat Quinn (Advance Your Reach) took the stage next and had the crowd both laughing and crying. His incredibly motivating talk on the power of telling your story and crafting your signature talk was one of the highlights of the event.

Pat Quinn HCI Live 2019Pat believes you have the opportunity to give your signature talk every day—at a coffee shop, waiting in line, or to your potential customers. All it takes is a few minutes, if you know how to deliver your story in a way that draws people in, which in turn helps you sell yourself as a coach. You must know your audience and share your story relevant to them; otherwise they won’t buy it.

Giving your clients both short and long-term solutions will let them see they can do “some” things on their own, but to really transform and change their habits, they need your help. Practicing your story and telling it to as many people as possible, will help get your message into the world, and make you a better, more successful coach.

After an incredible first day at HCI Live, the party continued late into the night at the Dress to Express event. The Dress to Express party is the time to dress however you like, in what makes you feel most comfortable, and dance your heart out with fellow students.

Carey, Stacey, and HCI’s CEO, Eric Neuner, took to the stage to start the catwalk dance off, with many students joining them to flaunt their dancing skills. Dress to Express is always a memorable part of HCI Live and this year was no different.

HCI Live 2019 Dress to ExpressThe next morning was all about owning your magic, with Eric Neuner wowing the crowd with an incredible talk. He opened the day with Macklemore’s “Ceiling Can’t Hold Us”, running down the aisles and jumping up and down, getting the students on their feet and pumped for the day.

Eric introduced healthcare entrepreneur, Tom Blue, who talked about the relationship between the healthcare industry and Health coaches. Tom called Health Coaches the “magicians” of healthcare. He showed stats on how the majority of our health is related to our environment and not just the result of genetics, which studies used to tell us. This is why Health Coaches have an important job in this world. They help hold people accountable and instill positive habits so they can live long, fulfilling lives.

CEO Eric Neuner Own Your Magic HCI Live 2019Eric then shared key decisions to owning your magic and creating the life you ultimately desire.

The 6 key decisions to owning your magic are:

  1. Decide you are the author of your life. Look at life as “This is happening for me and by me”, not to me.
  2. Decide to forgive yourself. We hold onto self-criticism, regret, and shame. Own the present. Think of something you’re holding onto and decide to let it go.
  3. Decide to choose love and acceptance. Declare it out loud: “I choose love and acceptance.” Know you have a choice.
  4. Decide to live authentically. Always be who you are and don’t apologize for it. Forget the status quo, and do what’s right for you.
  5. Decide to claim your dreams. Always be reaching for something and claim what you desire. Replace “I don’t know”, with “I wonder.” This opens you up to possibility, which becomes magic.
  6. Decide that you (and everyone around you) are magical. Look at the world and the people around you as magic. Be open to the possibilities that surround you every day, in the people you meet and places you go.

In closing, Eric brought his son and daughter on stage to play a song on the piano with him, which moved the crowd to tears. He also thanked his mother and father in the audience for always seeing the magic in him, even when he couldn’t.

That afternoon, Stacey walked the audience through more live coaching demos and gave a talk on saying yes to yourself.

Transformational Business Coach and founder of the All Stars coaching program, Bill Baren, also took to the stage, for a “Big Money Breakthrough” speech. Bill dropped some real talk on the crowd around limiting money beliefs and how to break through to make a great living as a coach.

Bill Baren HCI Live 2019Sales and money are where a lot of Health and Life Coaches get stuck. Getting clients and selling coaching packages is a skill, but not an impossible one. Bill was able to distill his almost 20 years of expertise, and give students tangible ways they can work through money issues, so they can ultimately do the work they are meant to do in this world.

Next up, four students who participated in the Coach Mastery 10K in 10 Weeks Challenge shared their personal transformation story on stage for a chance to win $10,000. This is a mainstay of at HCI Live, and the crowd votes for the winner who is announced on the last day of the event, after all speaks have shared their story.

The challenge, which is a part of HCI’s All Stars business program for BHC grads, encourages students to push themselves to make 10K in 10 weeks. Finalists share their story at HCI Live for a chance to win the cash prize.

HCI students have collectively generated over $2 million by participating in the challenge since it started. It’s an incredible testament to the fact that when you’re pushed to do something outside of your comfort zone and have community support, incredible things are possible.

After a break for dinner, Carey Peters, hosted a fireside chat on owning your body image. Carey has worked for years on her own personal struggles with body image. She shared her story about going through postpartum depression and coming out the other side, and how difficult it was for her to lose weight after having a child. While she says she’s still a work in progress, Carey made the decision that no matter her size, she would choose to love herself and be confident in her body.

Carey Peters Body Talk at HCI Live 2019

There’s a misconception among many that they have to be this perfect picture of health to be a Health or Life Coach, and Carey says this just isn’t true. We’re all human and we have our own struggles. The important thing is to choose happiness now. It’s about progress, not perfection.

On the final day of HCI Live, the 10K Challenge winner was announced. Transformational Life Coach Simona Spark was voted the winner of the $10,000 cash prize, receiving a standing ovation from the crowd.

Simona Spark HCI Live 2019 WinnerSimona’s story was heartfelt and captivating. She shared about leaving an abusive relationship, moving with her young children to the United States, learning English, and figuring out a way to make a great life for her family, which she ultimately did through Life Coaching.

After a short break, Carey and Stacey came back on stage again for a couple more writing exercises and live coaching demos. Students were asked to work with the person next to them, and practice a new coaching sequence from their event workbook.

The practice coaching and live workshop element of HCI Live is something students love about attending the event, because it gets them outside of their comfort zone and practicing in real-time.

Stacey and Carey closed out the event with a 7-day challenge, which helps students continue to build upon the momentum from the event. The energy and excitement of HCI Live is like nothing else, but sometimes when students go back to their normal routines, it can be hard to keep the momentum going. This new challenge helped support and inspire students on their journey to becoming the best coaches they can be.

HCI Live Dallas 2019 was INCREDIBLE. We are so blessed to have this community and an annual event where we can all come together, connect, and transform. Check out the HCI Live Slideshow Video, if you’re still curious about HCI Live.

Are you a current Become a Health Coach student and want to attend the next HCI Live? Secure your seat deposit now and make it happen! It’s the must-attend event for coaches and health practitioners for a reason.

Our HCI Live event is currently only open to HCI students and alumni. Interested in learning more about a coaching career and how you can join one of our next classes? Check out our signature Become a Health Coach program to learn more.


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