Does breakfast really need to be a crazy scramble? Or an elaborate feast? During winter we crave something simple, comforting, hearty, warming, and filling to start the day. As Health Coaches we know better than to reach for that quick fix of packaged cereals that are full of added sugar and grains depleted of their true minerals and vitamins.
There are so many grains on the market today from quinoa to millet to amaranth to kamut, that it’s easy to forget about good ‘ol oats. Organic, whole grain rolled oats is gluten-free and contains 7 grams of protein and 10% of the daily iron intake recommendation. It is so easy to make and you can go wild with adding all kinds of goodies on top. Here are some suggestions as well as the how to make easy oats.
Oats So Easy:
Add half a cup of oats to one cup of water in a pot.
Bring to a boil and keep stirring for a a couple of minutes.
Um….that’s it.
Some yummy stuff to add on top:
- Grass-fed butter
- Ghee
- A dollop of Greek yogurt
- A splash of whole milk
- A handful of dried figs or dates
- A handful of nuts (dry roasted or raw)
- A sprinkling of poppy seeds or sesame seeds or chia seeds or all three!
- Fresh fruit: banana, berries, apple, pear
You really can’t go wrong with this breakfast. If you’re hungry, heck measure a cup of dry oats with two cups of water. And if you’re needing more protein make sure to add nuts and seeds and a fat such as butter or ghee. Have fun with good ‘ol oats and see how many variations of your own you can come up with. Treat it like a breakfast experiment! Enjoy!
Leave a comment below and tell us what you did to spruce up your breakfast oats?
To find out more about Health Coaching, call (877) 914-2242.