Good Morning HCI and Happy New Year! I am so excited for what 2017 has in store for all of us!!
My mornings always start with a cuddle session with my two main squeezes, my partner Graham and our fur baby, Osa. We use this time to express gratitude for all of the good that we have in our lives! Gratitude creates a vibrational shift in our reality and so I am to express as much of it as I can. I’ve got an incredible family and home filled with so much love, and these two are at the center of it! #dayinthehcilife
I cherish my morning routines. They always consist of some warm frothy beverage — right now a Fatty Mocha Maca Latte — and then quiet time for journaling and reading. I use this time to set my intentions, visualize my goals and generally do what I call mindset work. For me, it’s all about cultivating the success mindset I need to keep my business moving forward in a way that feels positive and aligned with my higher purpose! A morning routine like this is an absolute must for, not only my personal life but, my entrepreneurial journey as well.
Meditation is a practice that I’ve done sporadically over the years. But this year, I’m determined to make it a habit that sticks! I’ve got an app, that I love, that is packed with tons of meditations. Right now I’m doing a 30 day meditation program, where each day’s time increases by 1 minute. The best part is, I’ve created a beautiful meditation space/altar for myself in a corner of my office, and I absolutely love sitting here for reflection and me time, which makes the whole meditation habit that much easier! #dayinthehcilife#sparkthechange
After I move through my morning “me time” I transition to my desk where I begin my day! I’ve decided that I’m not calling coaching/biz development “work” anymore — because I freaking LOVE what I do. So instead I’m choosing to view it as play and my soul purpose! I get to choose how my day looks– sometimes I’m on the phone with clients and connecting with other entrepreneurs, sometimes I spend my time on marketing strategy, or all day learning something new that I can use to grow my business and expand my soul purpose! Either way, it’s fun! Of course, while all of this is happening I’m fueling my body + mind + spirit with good stuff like this green smoothie! #dayinthehcilife#sparkthechange
Lately, I’ve been taking a break in the middle of the afternoon to do some movement, usually Yoga or a HIIT workout. I find that my body craves this break, and it really helps me to move stuck energy through the body and re-energize myself for the rest of my day! #dayinthehcilife #sparkthechange
Lunch is always a big meal in my house, usually bigger than dinner. I find that I feel best when I have a big meal in the middle of the day, instead of in the evening closer to bedtime. We often batch cook things like veggies, grass-fed beef, and ancient grains ahead of time. This allows me (or my partner) to create quick, health-focused meals in the middle of the day! It’s all about keeping things simple. #dayinthehcilife#sparkthechange
Another big intention for 2017 is to get outside more and ground myself to the earth! And lucky for me, I’ve got two awesome companions to join me on afternoon walks around the nursery where we live. Even in the cold Pennsylvania winters, it feels so good to get outside! The fresh air invigorates and inspires me to keep growing and expanding! #dayinthehcilife
I usually end my days back in my “office” sanctuary, never alone! I spend some time picking up any loose ends from the day, or working on projects that I did not get to. Growing my business is one of my main priorities right now, and most days I’m excited and willing to get things done. But one of the biggest lessons that I’ve learned over this past year, is that we have to honor and respect the ebb and flow of life. Right now I’m fired up and working late nights. But I’ve got the flexibility to recognize when I might need to get to sleep earlier, or just relax.
Thanks for following a day in my life! #dayinthehcilife
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