Hot-off-the-press Highlights of 2016—Yeah Baby!

With 2017 just around the corner, we want to share where HCI has been featured in the press, this past year, with HCI co-founders Stacey Morgenstern & Carey Peters spotlighted as experts in health, wellness and entrepreneurship.

Stacey & Carey are fast becoming globally recognized masterminds at transforming their passion into purpose-driven careers and are spearheading a movement rooted in this notion that doing what you love makes you come alive like nothing else!

From business profiles in to personal pieces in to contributing a regular column on, Stacey & Carey have been going at it wholeheartedly to spread their love of Health Coaching far and wide and people are feeling it! One Forbes journalist who interviewed Carey for a piece on how to shift paralyzing fears into positive action was so inspired by what Carey revealed in the article that she signed up to become a student of the Become a Health Coach program!

Whoa! Watch out for these trailblazing wonder women. Next year, 2017, has some exciting new ventures in store to help HCI spread the Health Coaching love. For now, here are some of 2016’s hot-off-the-press highlights:

Business-wise Stacey & Carey waxed lyrical about being self-made female entrepreneurs in this Forbes article: How To Turn A Lifestyle Business Into An Empire in which the journalist punts Health Coaching as “one of the biggest health trends.” And in this Forbes article How To Shine The Light Of Coaching Into The Shadows Of Fear Carey reveals how she overcame a binge-eating disorder and fear of not being good enough and went on to create…a lifestyle empire.

On a personal note, Stacey published a touching and inspiring piece in, Finding Non-edible Ways to Nourish Ourselves Without Derailing Our Health, about how her six-year-old daughter came up with her own Personal Nourishment Menu—something Stacey teaches clients—to combat whining episodes. And Carey published a piece in, 5 Tips I Use To Balance Wellness As A Working Mom, in which she candidly reveals how outsourcing has allowed her to be superhuman and how YOU time is the key to sanity as a working mother. featured Carey as a regular contributor on the topics of weight loss, fitness and healthy snacking with the following columns:

5 Steps To Stop Late-Night Food Cravings;

10 Post-Workout Habits To Make (And Break);

The #1 Sugar Swap That Works Every Time;

3 Fresh Foods You Should Be Eating This Spring;

3 Tricks To Bust Through That Weight Loss Plateau and

5 Surprisingly Healthy Convenience Store Snacks.

And also check out these two healthy habit tips’ pieces featured in  25 Easy Health Habits With Major Beauty Benefits For Great Hair, Skin, & Nails and 7 Skin-Restoring Hangover Remedies That Will Give You Life Again as well as 5 Wellness Trends That Are Worth Your Time featured in; Why you should chew your food slowly featured in; Mom Approved Mother’s Day Giftsin and Does Anyone Really Need a Professional Health Coach? In

We are so excited to see what 2017 has in store for Health Coach Institute and look forward to a surge of interest in Health Coaching worldwide!

Wanna find out more about the joys of Health Coaching? Call a Clarity Coach at (877) 914-2242!

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