With our HMBA Grad Retreat almost a full moon away by now we wanted to circle back and bring you our 10 most awesome moments from the retreat because we, for realz, have the greatest Tribe ever!
Seriously, we are still in awe of all the amazing moments we witnessed. We tried to make a list of our top three but that didn’t feel like enough so it grew to five but that still didn’t feel like enough so we just had…to…keep…adding to it so our list is now at 10 and we still feel like we are missing some incredible moments.
But for the sake of keeping this a decent sized blog post and not a full-length flashback, we will leave it at at that. So for those of you who were at the retreat, this post is for you to take a trip down memory lane. And for those who weren’t able to attend, this will surely whet your appetite for our next HMBA Grad Retreat!
- It wouldn’t be an HCI Event/Retreat without a *Spontaneous Dance Party* during the Brain Trust! Seriously, it wasn’t planned and it quickly became one of our most favorite impromptu moments. It was the 9PM Rave ?
- Speaking of the Brain Trust, we couldn’t leave out the “Driving the Car” trust exercise led by Stacey. Talk about learning to trust your tribe, being driven around with your eyes closed, not to mention the hilarious poses Stacey instructed you to put your partner into.
- That time Health Coach extraordinaire and one of our most loyal attendees, Rasul Davis, vowed, at the last HCI Live, to make “Gansta Money” and now, at this retreat (only a few months later BTW) he is living his “Gansta $” dream. We loved catching up with him and finding out that he surpassed his business earning goal. Go Rasul!
- Day Two morning wake up with fabulous HCI Success Coach Samantha Schmuck. Three words: Candles. Yoga. Dancing. It was energizing, relaxing and such a wonderful way to kick off the 2nd day of the retreat. Thanks Sam! You rock!
- BACK TO THE BRAINTRUST….hello free wine and Chocolate. #nom #bliss #glassofwinefeelingfine
- That slide show during the grad lunch left us all teary eyed. We are so proud of our HMBA Grads—keep KICKING ASS AND TAKING NAMES.
- Don’t forget Bret Gregory and the selfie break. Picture this: the entire room was taking selfies. It felt like we were on an episode of the Kardashians. #Selfie Selfie Video
- For those of you who were there, Daniel Cone’s Hot Seat…enough said, right? For those of you who weren’t there, what happened was that we witnessed Daniel Cone go through an amazing breakthrough and together as a tribe we held him up through it, literally. The moral of this story is “your tribe has your back”. The men and women at HCI are here to cheer you one in your victories and comfort you on your slopes.
- So many baby-mamas-to-be! Seriously, we had a room full of fiercely #adorbs entrepreneurs growing their businesses and their families at the same time. Get it ladies! We could not be more excited to see the next generation of HCI babies!
- Last, but certainly not least…witnessing the LOVE that Sheri and Mike Goins bring to every one of our live events including this one. We all feel like their adopted children. #RelationshipGoals. For those of you who don’t know, this married coaching couple is is also in business together. It was incredible to watch people share their respect and admiration for this dynamic duo.
There were so many quotes and moments at HMBA Grad Retreat that we haven’t been able to touch on, but needless to say the retreat was AMAZEBALLS and we can’t wait to see you all in Miami for our next HCI LIVE in May! #FINDYOURTRIBE
Leave a comment below. Were you there? What were your experiences? Highlights? Wanna be at our next live event? Why? What inspires you from what you see?